By Terry
It had to happen really, didn’t it? Well, we have been spending a lot of time together … 24/7 really, but it still just sort of crept up on us. A first for us, but it turns out afterwards that we’d both been thinking about it for some time. We got all emotional. Not sure why I’m telling you all this as it means much, much more to me and Paul than to you … we have gone over the halfway mark and we’ve broken the back of this bike ride.
Ordney by name and fairly ordinary by nature … the local restaurant and diner were for us the usual redeeming features. After an over leisurely breakfast (it’s oh so easy to scupper your crack-of-dawn start by ordering a loaded breakfast and a full stack!) we left Warren and Esther to their laundry and headed off on the 96West … again. That’s four days and 300+ miles on the same road … London to Lands End. Upwards.

Massive wind turbine blades being transported by rail – it makes a welcome change from the endless coal trains
The landscape lost the vast scrubby grandeur of yesterday as we joined the Arkansas River floodplain … but we did get our first proper sight of the Rockies way in the distance. They looked big, especially the ones with snow on. And the railway line we’d been following through the plains came to life with ponderous multi-engined coal trains … sandwiched in between them though was one carrying massive turbine blades … new energy sources starting to replace the old?
Mike, Jerry and Jonathan had shot off earlier but at a coffee stop in Boone we had a pleasant surprise … Keenan walked in. He should have been days ahead of us. We’d last seen him a couple of states back but it turned out he’d taken a few days off to stay with friends. People come, people go on the TransAm. 20 miles, one puncture (Keenan’s) and some prairie dogs later, we hit Pueblo, Colorado’s second largest city. Once the gateway to the gold mines it’s now a rejuvenated centre for the arts and crafts.
Having pushed ourselves through the high plains we were due a day off to celebrate our 2000 miles. We found Mike, craft beers, street music and night life … how could we resist? … we didn’t. Bed at 2.30am as overdoing it a bit though. Having broken the back of the mileage, let’s hope the mountains ahead don’t break us.
Today’s Miles: 50
Miles since First Landing: 2274
Congratulations on getting half way (is that all you’ve done?) (a comment for your previous post, really.)
Glad to see you two are bonding, but how are the bikes holding up? You mention the P-word: have you suffered any punctures yet? Any other bike problems? More importantly, have you found anywhere for a decent cup of tea, Paul?
You had me going for a minute there!!! Very well done, pats on the back from me!
Now you’ll have some beautiful scenery ahead – just hope you have the time and energy to enjoy it! How are the passes? No switchbacks I hope.
Now, where’s the rest of our blogs – you’re in a different time zone ok but not a time warp! I hate to say it but we’re on the 20th back here in blighty so get that wifi cranked up, your readership is awaiting you….no pressure!!!
Take care both x
Great job guys well done, down hill all the way now then (not really) but in your mind you can only hope more miles done than to go to the end it can only get easier.
Best regards Martin
Keep on Cycling
Guys – just wondering how you are with the altitude. We stayed a few days in Frisco as we are both not too good with altitude sickness -also we stayed because it is ace, so why wouldn’t we. Hope all is good – Warren
Congratulations on getting through the halfway mark! Although I’m loving reading this travel epic it is making me feel slightly inadequate with my own very limited physical exertions!
Film rights will be flooding in. Both Hils and I r in Nice for the Ironman 2014,
Happy to compare bikes and offer top tip of the day!
Great reading.
Today’s tip get to bed earlier! Xx